
A Naples Support Group for Women

Knowledge is power!

Support meetings are held in a confidential location in Naples, Florida every Friday from 3:30-4:30pm. Our group meetings are free. Text or call Michelle for more information or click on the Contact Us page to send an email.


This Naples, Florida narcissistic abuse support group is for women who have experienced narcissistic or emotional abuse from a spouse, parent, child, coworker or friend.

Our main focus is to heal our hearts, minds and souls. We meet every Friday from 3:30pm-4:30pm to encourage one another and to share with each other ways that we are transforming our life and accomplishing our goals.

This support group is about moving forward, not looking back. It is about forgiving those who have harmed us and finding happiness within ourselves.

Narcissist is a powerful word, and for many people they have no idea the true meaning of this word, as they carelessly toss it around. On the other hand, if you have been a victim of narcissistic or emotional abuse by a narcissist, you know exactly how destructive this personality disorder can be. Narcissism is extremely damaging to the victim and can lead to multiple health and emotional issues.

Narcissists are typically very charming and charismatic individuals. They will sweep you off of your feet and smoother you with their fake love, until they have you exactly where they want you. Once you are in love with them, the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will appear, along with the gaslighting, scapegoating and emotional abuse. This is a slow process and you may not even realize that it is going on, as your mind is spiraling out of control, because nothing makes sense any longer. You know that something isn’t right in the relationship, but their smooth words, gaslighting, and love bombing keep you in a constant state of confusion, questioning the truth over their lies and manipulation.

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Naples, FL